Thursday 19 June 2014

Taking it easy

I must admit that this year gardening wise has not been great. I set some broad beans in my polytunnel early February hoping to get plenty of produce from them. I was a little disappointed as I only managed to get 3 meals and they were not much earlier than my wind damaged beans that I did post on my blog. I have only had one boiling so far and to be honest, they were a little small but still nice. The other ones I set a few weeks later are doing fine, I just have to watch them for black fly, one had been affected but they are beginning to set fruit.
 I set my little marvel early in the year, the weather has played havoc with my garden. My little marvel peas have grown so tall. Some of them are well over 5' tall. They are called little marvel as they should be about 1/2 that height. I will be honest though, there are plenty of pods and it looks as if I should get plenty of peas.
 Last year I was given a trial dwarf bean packet of seeds. Well I saved some as they did particularly well. This year there seems to be quite a few beanlets on so I am hoping they will produce plenty of dwarf beans. My tomatoes are looking good now. A couple of weeks ago when the weather was very hot, they didn't set but they have more than made up for that now.
 I have had disappointments with both my carrots and beetroot. There are now a few carrots now showing and I have about half a row of beetroot.
Runner beans are coming on but here on the East Coast we suffer from strong winds and runner beans do not like strong winds.
 It looks as if some of my apples have some disease but should still get enough. Cherries are not plentiful this year but I will have more than enough for me. As for plums, I just can't  believe it. I think I will have about 1cwt of them and I have taken loads off the trees. Also the June drop has reduced the crop a little.
 I can't close without mentioning another appointment. This morning I received by post a notice informing me that an appointment had been made for me to attend my eye clinic. This is where they put drops in your eyes to enlarge the pupil and take a photo of the eye to see if they are healthy. The date is the same day I have an appointment at the Hospital. Thank goodness the Hospital Appointment is for 9.00am. My Retinopathy is for 1.35pm. So I will have time to go to Louth, hopefully call and see my Italian friend, get back home, have a bite to eat then off to my local Surgery. Yes local. This is the second year in succession that they have sent me to my local Surgery. I'm certainly not complaining. Next week we start to go once more on a regular journey to my Surgery. More soon.

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