Tuesday 24 June 2014

Warm start

I had to go to the Surgery for a blood test this morning. Most unusual for me I went with just a short sleeved shirt on. I usually wear a Harrington Jacket but it was such a nice morning.
 After my blood test I went to collect my State Pension then went to have my haircut. After that I did my shopping and then arrived back home soon after  11.00am. I can't remember going out before in a short sleeved shirt feeling warm and comfortable.
 I prepared my mid day meal(dinner to me). Then sat and listened to the radio for a while. I ate at my usual time of 12.30pm. I had noticed that it had turned cloudy. Anyway after eating my meal I went to wash my pots and looked out of the window and saw it had started to rain. I immediately went out to my polytunnel to water inside. No sooner had I got inside when the heavens opened up. It was torrential rain for about 20 minutes. I, of course didn't move from there but did manage to water the plants. Eventually it eased a little and when I ventured outside I noticed that there was standing water in places on the garden. This was primarily due to the ground being hard as we have not had any rain for a while and the sun had baked the ground. The rain will do good though.
 I went out later to see if all was well, I noticed that although it was still cloudy the temperature had dropped quite a lot and it was what you call it fresh.
 Around 6.00pm. the sun put in an appearance so I strolled down the garden. I noticed that some broad beans were about ready, also my peas will be ready in a couple of days, there is a cauliflower in my polytunnel too that is more or less ready, so hopefully I will soon be self sufficient with my summer vegetables.
 On a less than positive note I noticed that my apple tress are suffering from scab. I have ordered some fungicide to try and improve the health of my trees. The first thing I will do is prune them heavily in the Autumn. Hopefully that will be a start, so I will keep a keen eye on them. I will, of course keep readers informed as to my progress, or failure.
 By the way, when I had my blood test I was told that if, once again something was found  I would once more be summoned to the Surgery. Let us hope all is well. More soon.

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