Wednesday 22 July 2015

Failing mind

Before I comment on the photos I have an apology to make.
 My mind is obviously going. With regard to Big N cash & carry, it was no such thing. It was called Rawlin Bros. They had 2 depots in Lincolnshire, one in Lincoln and the one I used which was at Humberstone near Grimsby. Big N. was their  goods that they sold a sort of trade mark. I did say that the Manager was good to me, so much so that one day he came over to see me and asked if I had tried their coffee. Big N. coffee was some 25p a tin cheaper than Nescafe. He assured me that it was good, so much so that he said that if I didn't like it I could bring the remaining tins back and he would refund me for all 4. They came in packs of 4. I think they were 1.5lb each and were 95 a tin.
 Anyway he was correct, the taste was as good as Nescafe. When I told him this he pulled me to one side and informed me that they had a contract with Lyons and they put the Big N. labels on the Lyons coffee before they sold it to Rawlins so you had no idea it was Lyons own coffee.
 Now to the photos, well not quite yet.
 I went to the Co-op yesterday and found the chocolate cake, I bought a few other items and walked to the check out. In front of me was a lady probably a little older than I am. When she came to pay, she asked the man who was on the check out if anyone had ever won anything. He told her not to his knowledge. She then said it was probably just a bit of kidology. With this I then showed her my winning ticket. She was surprised but also pleased. It was my turn to be served when the lady nudged me, it is hard to believe but she had a voucher for £2.79. she had won something.  As I had last week she had quite a few tickets from the check out and one informed her that she was a winner. What a coincidence.
Now to the photos. To be honest I couldn't help but laugh. They were so bad, well the first 2 anyway but I wanted to show what the cake looked like. The plate which it is on is just a side plate  so not a large cake at all. The cake itself is very moist and sickly but it is free. I certainly would not purchase one. I caught the young man this morning and gave him a slice. I kept in the fridge overnight as it is much better to handle that way.
 Late this morning I went to the retinopathy unit to have my eyes tested. I was amazed when the couple in front of me had the same surname as me and blow me, the one following me had the same surname too. The examiner told me that all three had the same surname as they had been booked that way. I am please that it is over for another year as the vision is affected for a couple of hours after the examination. They put drops in your eyes to enlarge the pupils. It stings but only for about 15 seconds after that all is well but gradually the vision gets a little hazy for  a while but eventually gets back to normal vision. More soon.

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