Tuesday 14 July 2015


I don't know if anyone can remember me setting these onion seeds. They were an old seed called Beacon. They are an F1 variety so even if they went to seed the seeds would not produce the same variety. Beacon onions are renowned for growing rather large, so far some are as large as a mug.
 The second picture is of the second earlies called Estima. They have been prolific and I am pleased with the results so far. I am still getting a few runner beans out of my polytunnel. I have picked the odd bean from outside too.
 I picked the rest of my broad beans but have left one root with broad beans on to save for seeds. I managed to get well over 14lb in weight so I did better than I had expected earlier.
 My Best Pal called yesterday so I was recovering the remainder of the day. I went to put my repeat prescription in then went to get my Pension. Called in the paper shop then went to the Co-op to do a little shopping. I prefer to go there for the skimmed milk as Lidl have it cheaper but the shelf life recently has been only a few days. I bought a few other items in the Co-op and as I am a member I take my card and most weeks I get a £1 coupon to spend if I spend either £5 or £10. I spent in total around £12 and when I went to the check out I was served by a nice lass called Bex. I remarked that it was a nice but unusual name, she told me it was short for Rebecca. I gave her my card to swipe and was surprised to see a load of paper come from the till. She gave them one at a time to me and told me I was lucky as I had won a £1. immediately she then stated that I was very lucky as I had won a prize, a ticket for £2.75 off a Co-operative Truly Irresistible Chocolate Cake
and in brackets (so it is free). I also received a coupon for a further £1 off my next shopping if I spent £10. What a fantastic day I have had at the Co-op. I must admit that I have won a £1 off voucher before. I have a week to collect my gift but the £1 voucher is valid until August 4th. More soon.

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