Tuesday 12 April 2016

Fruit cage top

I did sow some peas in pots in the greenhouse and they have been growing well lately. So well that I knew they would soon have to be planted outside.
 I had a place for them in the fruit cage and one day last week I did set some round a sort of wigwam but unfortunately the gardeners least favourite bird, the blackbird had pulled a lot up and had managed to ruin a few. Anyway I asked the lad from next door if he could soon help me with fitting the top to the fruit cage. I was a little surprised at his reply for he more or less told me that the week end gone he was going to see his Mother and the following Sunday he was going out to the Theatre with his Carers so he didn't seem keen to help.
  On Sunday morning the weather being the best day in ages, I decided to make a start on the fruit cage. I must say the length is 17 paces  but the width is only about 10'. A very big fruit cage.
  I started about 9. 45 am. and had spent about 15 minutes trying to get the netting completely free of the first 2 fruit trees, after that it would be a lot easier. I heard my name called, it was the lad from next door. He asked me if I would like any help, of course I told him I could, he told me he would come up by the end of the garden. I notice he had his wellies on and I immediately asked him if he was going to see his Mother but he told me she wasn't going to Mablethorpe as she had a Hospital appointment. With him helping me we managed to get it fitted in a very short time. I was thrilled that it went so well and I guess we had it all fitted within the hour.
 I asked him if he would like to stay for dinner, mind you I had nothing ready for him but he told me he would ask his Carer. I told him that while he was asking about him staying for a meal I would get the broad bean seeds and we could sow them. When I went round he told me that it was alright for him to have dinner at mine but he first wanted to show his small garden and the shallots. I was surprised that the shallots had begun to grow, he was thrilled and then he made me look at his few flowers, they look fine also.
 It was then back to mine for as always I let him choose what he wants for his dinner. Steak pie and a blackberry and apple crumble. By now it was after 11. 00. am  so I had to put my skates on to get the dinner ready. I told him that he was in charge of the drinks and he made a couple of nice cups of coffee. I was busy getting things ready while having  a quick sip of coffee. He then told me he was going to get his scooter and play on my driveway. Off he went and my arms were going like bees wings. He came in after about 10 or so minutes but I told him I couldn't go out because I had so much to do. I got him to get the blackberries out of the freezer having made the crumble. I got a couple of cooking apples out of the fridge, peeled them and put a sprinkling of blackberries on the top, added some water then put them in the microwave for about 5 minutes to cook a little. While the microwave was on I then made the Steak Pie. The timer went off so out came the pie, I checked to see the apples were about cooked so I put the crumble mix on top. I then lit the oven and while the oven was heating up we went down and picked some broccoli he also wanted some peas and broad beans, both of course frozen. I then peeled the potatoes and place the crumble and pie in the oven to cook.
 I then told him we could go out to play on his scooter for about 15 minutes. He was happy to do that and even asked me to have a go which I did but as I am getting old I didn't do anything fancy at all.
 After 15 or so minutes I went in to put the potatoes and veg on. Another 10 or so minutes outside he decided to bring the scooter round the back garden as he knew dinner would be ready before too long.
 I took the crumble out about 15 minutes before the Steak Pie and the veg were about ready too. I had to make him some gravy and I had some meat juices saved so it was especially tasty.
 I took the pie out of the oven and strained the potatoes and veg, put the gravy on to thicken and asked him if the piece of pie was enough for him, he told me it was enough I then put the potatoes and 3 other veg on both plates, gave him the gravy and we started to eat. After a few minutes he asked me apologetically if he could have some more pie, it is the first time he has asked for more of course I gave him another piece which he told me it was beautiful.
 He was pleased because he finished his dinner first but had to wait a little for after I had finished my dinner I had to make some custard for him. He thoroughly enjoyed his crumble too, mind you I was tired out. More soon.

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