Thursday 3 November 2016


These last couple of days have been cold, yesterday was the first time in a while we saw the sun so that was most welcome, however today was not so great. At first we had a little hazy sun but gradually it became clouduier.
 This morning I noticed that my Bramley cooking apples had started to fall from the tree so I decided to pick the rest. I was quite surprised because I had about 1/2 a shopping bag full. I then had to take of the netting which had protected the apples from the blackbirds. By the time I had finished I was cold and when I looked at the outside temperature it didn't surprise me at the reading, just 5c. I took about 3lb. of apples round next door and they told me a little about the holiday, it seems as if it was a little too hot for them but the lad certainly enjoyed it going scuba diving and a speedboat ride being his highlight.
 A couple of days ago I finished the last of my marrows so I was well satisfied with what I had off them. I also have more or less finished my runner beans, I guess a couple of days will see them out. I have managed my aim which is to eat fresh runner beans till the end of october. With this year lasting I have been eating them since late July. Definitely the best value for money for growing your own vegetables.
 While I was at the dentist getting measured for the final fitting and extraction I decided to call at the local warehouse to pick up a 12.5 kilo of potatoes. Two reasons for the size, the first is that I find it very hard to lift 25 kilo bag and the second is that if I had a large bag the potatoes would start to chit way before I finished the bag. I do, however have enough potatoes for just about a week, so I must admit I am disappointed with the result of my labours. This was entirely to the dreadful wet year we have had on the East Coast. Mind you the weather men keep saying it has been a dry time, not here though.
 Finally I saw a colleague who noticed me wearing my Railway overalls and we became friendly. He saw me yesterday and told me that he will be leaving at the end of the year. I asked him if it was compulsory but he said to me that he had decided to leave because his Wife was not in the best of health and she had put up with him working mornings for the past 9 years. I didn't ask his age but I can guess he is 74. Time enough for him to pack up work. More soon.

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