Tuesday 1 November 2016

Yes. But!!

yesterday afternoon around 2.00. pm. the phone rang, it was the delivery men so I told them I would be outside to meet them.
 On arriving he looked and shook his head, I asked him what the trouble was and he informed me that there was no way this sofa would fit via the front door. I let him know that I had another dorr on the side. He had a quick look and let me know that although they would try he doubted if that would be wide enough too. I finally told him I had another door which had been french windows but I had them altered. His associate had a quick look and assured him that if they could get the sofa round the rear of the property it would go in.
 The first thing they had to do was take off the top rail of the outside door so that they could lift the sofa over a large water storage barrel. This took well over 20 minutes but they eventually managed to get the sofa at the back door. When they tried to get the sofa in the Boss said to hs mate that they would have to take off the restraining bar off, this is to stop the door flying too far and damaging the hinges.
 It didn't take that long and I have all the usual tools handy just for my mate when he does jobs for me. Anyway it went in with some difficulty but I have a Patio door leading from my T.V room  and this is where I wished it to go. Unfortunately the Patio Door was not quite wide enough so the Boss had to take the restraining bits off the frame, it was then that they tried to get the sofa in. It was a tight fit but with some manhandling they managed to get the sofa in situ.
 I then suggested that I make a cup of tea for them, well I didn't make the tea, I mashed it in a teapot and left the sugar and  milk handy and if they wanted some sweeteners  they were also there.
 It was while the Boss was having a drink that I asked him if he owned the Business, he  let me know he did and unfortunately this sort of thing happened several times a year. I did say that his warehouse was out the way and he readily agreed and he told me he had been looking for new premises for quite some time but nothing was on the market. He did mention that when Quick Save was open, incidentally it was just about 20 yards away, he told me he had quite a bit of passing trade but the place, he thought was owned by George(ASDA) but it was up for sale at £5m. He told me originally ASDA had thought of opening a store there. Unfortunately for him that will not happen as Aldi will soon be opening a store there and with morrison's Tesco and Lidl there already there will not be room for a further Supermarket.
 Of course they had now to put together all what they had taken apart which took a quite a while. Incidentally the easy chairs went in easily, they are not the most expensive chairs but as I only use them occasionally they will definitely last me my lifetime no matter how long I live.
 Eventually they left and both of them shho my hand, the Boss mentioned that if I ever wanted my carpets cleaned his colleague was the man, incidentally the came in his van for the Boss told me he was still having trouble with his van.
 By the time they left it was just before 3.30. pm. and as I have been under the weather for a couple of days I was thankful all had gone well.
 I was sitting down this afternoon when the door bell rang, it was the lad from next door, they had just got back from mexico, it was nice to see him and he told me what a great time he had, the trouble is that he wants to tell you all so quickly but I will get to know all. He did show me a T.shirt he bought, I also gave him the hand fork which he thanked me very much and then told me he would put his name ion it and when he left he would take all with him.
 He didn't stay long and I did say to him that he would go to bed early tonight, he agreed as it is tiring travelling all that distance. More soon.

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