Tuesday 15 November 2016

Dental problems

Yesterday I went to the Dentist for the extraction and final fitting of the dentures.
 I had some idea because of many years with Malcolm my prior Dentist. He told me when I contracted my Colitis that I would have trouble with my teeth for the rest of my life. he then explained what was happening and told me what was happening and that all my minerals were just passing through my body.
 On another occasion while he was checking my teeth, he told me that the anaesthetic would not work if there was infection in the tooth that he was trying to repair or extract. He told me that the anaesthetic was neutralised by the infection. Now to yesterday.
 I sat in the chair and he gave me the anaesthetic, to be honest I suspected that there was some sort of infection because for the last several weeks the loose tooth had been rather painful. He gave it about 5 minutes and told me that it would take no pulling, that bit was true. He put his pincers round the tooth and yanked it out. The pain was like a dagger and I let him know that I had felt it. I didn't tell him just how painful it had been and that now was a dull ache. He confirmed what Malcolm had told me by saying that there might have been some infection there.
 He cleaned where the tooth had been then told me that he was putting some stuff in to stop it from bleeding again and that he would then fit the dentures. He fitted the top set first and they seemed alright. He then fitted the lower set and to be honest they felt awful just as though they were not aligned but I didn't say anything to him as I was still in some discomfort and of course had the anaesthetic which made one side of the mouth numb. He told to pop in if they started to cause some rubbing and I left paying at reception and making my next 6 month appointment.
 I got home about 20 minutes later and immediately took 2 paracetamols and  after about 40 minutes the pain had subsided not to reappear. Another hour passed and the anaesthetic wore off but my mouth with these new teeth was not good. I knew there was no way I could eat anything much so after resting for another hour decided to make some Oxtail soup. I got a bread roll out of the freezer and defrosted it. Making the soup I broke the bread up so that it would be easy to swallow, to be honest I found it very hard to eat the soup.
 Around 6.00.pm. I decided to eat an apple, as they are small I generally have 2 but as normal I peel and core the apple slice them up and eat it. This took me 15 minutes. I came to the conclusion that the bottom set of dentures were no good at all. I had an experiment to check first I removed the lower dentures and inserted my old lower set, immediately I felt mush better so I did the second experiment. I removed the new upper set and place it with my old set, I then removed my old set from the lower and replaced them with the new set. Once more it was dreadful so now I knew that the lower set was not suitable.
 By now I had a chunk off bitten off my gums and my mouth in general was very sore, not where my tooth had been extracted though. I went to bed sleeping fitfully as my mouth was tender.
 This morning I rung up the Dental Surgery but got no reply so eventually went to the Surgery which is about 15 miles round trip. I saw the receptionist , told her a brief synopsis of what had happened and she booked me in as an Emergency next Monday. Good job I had my old dentures to fall back on.
 Today I had my dinner that I had prepared for yesterday, mince with potatoes, cabbage carrots and swede, all of which were well cooked and I managed to eat it all up. Gradually my mouth is getting better. More soon.

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