Thursday 9 March 2017


With the weather being sunny but windy as you can see my daffodils are showing signs of the windy conditions.
I ordered once again from Sainsbury and was given a time slot from Noon to 1.00pm. which was acceptable but I would have preferred an hour earlier. I had just come in from doing a little in the garden when the phone rang. It was the driver from Sainsbury@s and asked me if it was possible to drop my goods off within the next 20 minutes. I naturally told him that it was alright.
 He duly arrived and was happy I had accepted his earlier delivery. He told me that he had to go to Alford but it would be quicker to deliver to me then go on to Alford to make his delivery. I told him that it suited me, he told me not as much as it suited him. He then told me his Brother-in-Law was waiting for a vacancy to join Sainsbury's but was working at ASDA. He just said to me that sainsbury's was a better Company to work for. It didn't take him long to drop off my goods and then he was on his way.
 Early this morning I saw the lad from next door and told him that as it was a nice day we would plant his broad beans later. He finishes work early on a Monday and Thursday. I went to meet him off the bus at 2.45pm. and told him it would only take about 20 minutes maximum also I asked him if he would like come twine cut into pieces or on a roll. He told me he didn't mind. I also told him I had found a spray bottle and had put some Roundup for his weeds. He told me he would be round later. I waited for ages but he didn't come round.
Well over an hour passed by when I decided to see where he was, he was on his XBox playing a game. I told him in that I would not help him again and all I would give him was the 2 tomato plants and that would be all and next year I would do nothing for him.
 I had told him to get the broad beans planted with my help because he is going to respite next week so I doubt if they will stand at least another week in the small pots I gave him. MInd you he had not got the ground prepared for planting. He only has a piece something like 9 feet by 10 feet so it is tiny.
 To be honest he seems to have more interest in playing games and on Facebook than gardening so I presume he won't miss gardening too much. Still it save me time and money as I paid for everything I gave him. More soon.

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