Tuesday, 16 May 2017

Very mild

I went out to place my repeat prescriptions in at my local Surgery what surprised me most was how warm it was outside. By the way I indicated whether I was able to put my repeat prescriptions in the box but was given the thumbs up. Now we wait for the arrival of my medication.
 On Sunday the lad from next door came round, we had a shower on Saturday but nothing to shout about. He wanted to see just how his vegetables were progressing, in act one of his tomatoes looks better than mine. I noticed the cabbage we had set looked good his onion sets were beginning to grow, his early potatoes ars looking good too as normal his shallots look fine. He does have about a dozen fruitless on his pear tree but I have warned him that quite a few may drop off and that the most I have ever had from the young tree was 4. Last year it flowered but looked as if it would die but recovered in the summer months. This year it looks quite well and hopefully next year he will have lots of pears on his tree.
 No sooner had I returned home when the doorbell rang, it was the lad, he came to see if I wished anything as he was going swimming at 11.00.am. in I think Skegness. He also told me that tomorrow(Wednesday)he would not be going to work as the carers were taking both of the boarders out for the day but he didn't know where they were going.
 We went up to the orchard part, it sounds like I have a large garden but it is not so. It has been gravelled over but some weeds seem to find their way to grow. I bet we picked up well over 100 small weeds, this primarily is that last night we did have a little more rain, during the day it was just very light rain. This has made the weeds shoot up so I will be on my toes looking for weeds. Probably not tomorrow as the forecast is for rain turning heavy as the day progresses. If the forecast is like today it will be correct. It said that rain would gradually spread to this area this afternoon and this is so as it is beginning to rain quite steadily. Mind you we really do need it as the ground up to 3" deep is very dry, once you get well into the ground it is still moist.
 My mate will be here tomorrow so I will be busy getting ready for him in the morning so with the forecast, no weeding tomorrow.
 Finally the lad told me he would probably go to visit his Parents in Lincoln on Saturday but he said he would not bother if the weather forecast was poor. By the looks he might just make it as the forecast for the week end is for sunny periods and showers. More soon.

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