Friday 11 February 2011

Light at end of tunnel

First signs of spring my snowdrops in bud, within the next week will be in full flower.

These are photos of my hazel nut trees with the male catkins. However with the photo above if you can zoom in you will see some little fed flowers. Very tiny but they are the female flowers which of course produce nuts. Not that I get any though. I think I took photos last year of the spent nut cases. I wouldn't mind if I had some myself but the squirrels eat them before they are ready. Such is the joys of living in the country.

The nut tree has never been pruned, has loads of nuts on and is always a nice sight in the late winter months.

This is the first sign that winters grip is beginning to loosen. We will get more cold weather this winter but it will not last as long. In the picture you see winter flowering Jasmin and in the foreground the first daffodils in bud. They are the first as they are sheltered and are south facing. Still it makes me think about spring and getting out in the garden, but not yet though.

First update on the mice. I caught a mouse in the polytunnel the other day I hope that this is it.
Nothing more to say this time. More soon.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! I'm amazed. I don't recall anything green begin to grow in Western New York State until mid-March. Well, some years there would be a January thaw that would fool some trees into producing buds, but they were quickly frozen up and killed when winter returned. Crocuses were the first things that came up in the ground, although some trees would bud a bit earlier.
