Monday 7 February 2011

Three blind mice?

The other day I went into the polytunnel and noticed that my broad beans had been nipped. Only the ones though that had just poked through. I guessed that I had mice in. I then noticed that a small hole had been made so that I was sure that I had visitors.
I decided to check my greenhouse and sure enough there was signs of mice. I was particularly saddened by the sight of a seed potato having been started to be eaten after the mouse had moved the soil away.
I was determined, or so I thought, to get rid of these nuisances as soon as possible so I started to hunt for my mouse traps. I looked all Friday, I don't know if anyone else is like me, but if I can't find anything I am looking for I can't settle. Well late on Friday I found one, that was something so I went and bought some chocolate to bait the trap. The old idea of putting cheese on is a myth. They wont touch it. Anyway I set the trap in my greenhouse and the first day, noticed that the bait had gone but no mouse. However on Sunday I managed to catch 2. Mind you I was still not satisfied as I could not find the second mouse trap. Late on Sunday, I did find the trap, unfortunately it was broken. I was amazed because I do not know how it got damaged.
Today another success. The third mouse. Hence the title three blind mice, mind you not only blind but now in my recycle bin. I will of course keep setting the trap for a few days in the greenhouse then if nothing happens after a couple of days, then it is going to be put in the polytunnel. I am sure that I have several in there too. I guess that with the extremely cold winter we have had that it could only be expected. If only they would leave my produce alone, I would not bother them. Wishful thinking on my part I presume. More soon.

1 comment:

  1. Mice?

    Too many cats around here for mice.

    Slugs and snails we get - especially slugs. And some sort of flying beasts who eat the leaves of things which are not assailable from the ground because of defences.

    Did someone say there's a war on?
