Tuesday 15 November 2011

Quiet times

It has been a quiet period for me, having changed my ISP I am limited to how much I can spend on the net so have not been active lately.
On Saturday my mate rung me up. I had suggested that he contact his electricity supplier to find out how long it would take to get everything completed once he had his certificate.
To be honest, I didn't think he would bother, but contacting them he did. He told me everything and it seems as if it is almost immediate once the supplier has had the notification and certification required.
He then contacted the installer and asked all relevant questions and found out that hopefully they would be arriving on Thursday 17th November and expected to be completed by the following day and that the certificate of completion would be given to him. By the way, I forgot to mention that when he contacted the electricity supplier, they sent him the relevant form, incidentally reached him the following day. All he has to do is get the certificate number and send it off. He told me that he will send it by e-mail and also send a copy by recorded delivery. I hope that all goes well. I intend to go and see him one day next week so see the installation. I am looking forward to seeing it completed.
Last night as I was about to sign in on my blog the phone rang. It was the guy who took over my business in 1997. Yes he still keeps in touch. I first of all asked him how he felt. As usual he told me he was fine, but I know he has had at least 2 heart attacks.
He told me something that I thought I would never hear. His busiest weekend of the whole year was the first weekend in October. Yes it was better than Spring Bank Holiday, which as a rule is far busier than any other week in the season. If one recalls though, the weather was fantastic that weekend. I told him that it was a bonus and that it would have helped him sell a lot of goods that he would have thought he would have to store it until next season. He told me that it was hectic as he was not prepared. Quite natural really as generally most places would be considering to be closing down around that time. I'm pleased for him and his wife that there was a bonus weekend. Mind you, with his condition he is not allowed to fly so I did not ask him if he was going away for a short holiday. I will ask his wife when I next see her. More soon.

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