Tuesday 14 May 2013

How times changed

When I first moved to the seaside to start my business. Mablethorpe was like most small sea side towns a sleepy small place.
 The season was basically just 6 weeks with the usual Easter and Spring Bank Holiday being a bonus.
 Golden Sands opened I think 2 weeks before Easter and closed the 15th of September or thereabouts. Owners were allowed to go on site for a further 2 weeks but by the end of September it was closed down completely.
 The two caravan sites that stayed open longest were Sutton Springs, not really a caravan site but static caravans and the site at Maltby-le-Marsh called The Willows. Both these sites used to open on March 15th or thereabouts and close on October 15th. each year.
 To try to extend the season a little, well this is what I was told and honestly believed it was to have a Carnival. This was always from the first week in September  and lasted for a week culminating with a Grand Parade on a Saturday.
 the floats were numerous and youngsters had bands of sorts. There were also individuals, Sid on his horse and a man who dressed up as Old Mother Riley. He was very good indeed.
 the first time I saw him was when he came in for a meal before the Parade. He came in for several years. One year I went and had a few words with him and he told me he did this for Charity.
 I was pleased that I went out a few years later for as I asked him how he was, he told me that he reluctantly had decided that this was the last year he would be here. He was hanging up his boots.
 Little did he, or I know that the Carnival was very soon move from the first week in September to the middle of August. This the Committee said was to allow the school children to partake in the fun and competitions for the week.
 However like most other Carnivals, they are a dying event.
 By the way, RAIN is forecast tonight bringing some welcome rain to the Farmers and Gardeners. This was told by the local Weather man. I think he may well be right as it looks like rain. More soon.

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