Thursday 2 May 2013

Slow connection

For quite some time I have had a slow connection, approximately 2mgs. per second. Well yesterday afternoon I contacted my ISP again and confirmed that as far as I knew nothing untoward was at fault my end. They asked me once more to do a line check. Sure enough it was a fraction of 2mgs. The guy then asked me to hold on while he did a check. After a minute or so he came back and told me that from their end it was showing 8mgs and to my router 7mgs so I should be getting that. I told him I have never had more than 4.5mgs. Anyway he told me that someone would be contacting me within 72 hours.
 Today I had mail from them stating that everything had been sorted and that all should be back to normal within 24 hours. I will believe this if, or when it happens.
 When my mate called the bird stayed away, I must admit that it hasn't been around so often these last few days but this afternoon I was pulling up some dead stuff in my garden when I looked up and saw the canary feeding happily. This was about 8 feet away from me. I decided not to move and it just kept feeding ignoring me completely, sometimes turning it's back on me. I was beginning to wonder if it would ever move when after about 5 minutes it just flew away. I guess it had it's fill. Even with my poor eyesight I could see that my American friend was 100% correct with his description and I had a good view of it.
 It was obvious to me that it was a caged bird that had escaped because it was far more used to be among humans than the wild birds here. They are certainly very wild. The only time they get a little more brave is when they are feeding their young. In the winter the Robin may come down when I am filling the bird feeders, if I stay still it will grab a bit of food and flee. More soon.

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