Thursday 8 August 2013

So sudden

Everything seems to be ready and finished so quickly this year.
The cherries were picked less than a fortnight ago, I had in excess of 14lbs. They are not easy to pick as you have to get each one individually. With this in mind I have pruned back my cherry trees so that next year I will not have so many.
The first picture of my runner beans was taken less than a fortnight ago, the second was taken today. I am picking well over a lb. of beans twice a day, I am having 3 meals of runner beans as they have plenty of feritin in them(iron). As I am low in that particular vitamin due to my medication I am happy to have them.
Today I have also covered some of my apple trees. This is because the blackbirds just peck holes in the apples. To be honest yesterday I did cover my Bramley cooker and was surprised to see a wood pigeon caught up in the netting. Needless to say, the wood pigeon is no more. I gave it an almighty swipe with my lopper and dispatched it swiftly.
It is still like a builders yard with the bungalow next door having the extension. The main noise is from the joiner, he is putting the flat roof on but told me that he will not be putting the tar or whatever they put on as he no longer does it. The reason was that insurance was too high. He told me that the Insurance Companies do not like a naked flame where wood is concerned so another guy will come to do that. They are progressing quite well though. The main rear garage has been completed and the front porch is now waiting for the door and windows. I will be pleased when it is done as the noise makes me have my side door closed and it has been warm. The joiner commented on the heat today saying it was too hot for him to work. By the way, he is self employed so gets on with the job.
 There was a wagon outside the front when I went to get my weelie bin in. I asked what was wrong. The guy told me that next doors water meter couldn't be read and they had come to dig it up but found that there was some electric cables running close to the water meter so they have left it for now. More soon.

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