Friday 24 September 2010

Not a lot

I do not have much to say today, I guess I am like the weather. It has been very poor today, early heavy rain and increasing cold northerly winds. My friend was going to visit me on his new motorbike but the weather was just too bad. Next week I have the gas men in fitting my new energy efficient boiler so he will have to wait a little longer to show me it. I am looking forward to seeing it though. Just seeing it, at my age will not be riding pillion though.
Now an update on my shares ( securities on the stock market) Those who have read all of my boring site will know all the shares I have bought. I did however sell my shares in Severn Trent. Well I have again maximised my portfolio with the purchase of shares in Legal and General so I am once again fully laden. Mind you this last week or so has been a little bumpy, but as I informed all my main intention was to purchase them for their income. I must admit though Legal and General shares are as much for an increase in share value as much as income. The income is somewhere near 4% per annum so not too bad at all.
Did not go out in the garden today, only to pick a few carrots for our meal. We had potatoes carrots and marrow with a couple of chicken drumsticks. I thoroughly enjoyed them. I left them cooking for a while longer than normal as somebody was on ICQ talking to me.
I guess that is all for now. More soon.

1 comment:

  1. Yes! I find that cooking turns out better if there's few distractions like phone calls and the like!
