Monday 27 September 2010


Today is a sad day for me, I will not go into much detail only to say that a young friend is desperately ill and in a coma. Whether I will tell all I do not know, suffice to say that I am devastated, but life goes on.
My friend from near Chesterfield in U.K. rang me up the other day. We are best friends and keep regular in touch.
In the course of the conversation I mentioned my local friend had gone on a web site and noticed that there was an offer saying that they would install solar panels to a suitable property but any surplus energy sold to the National Grid would go to the suppliers. My friend immediately told me that his son had ordered solar panels, in fact he told me that the scaffolding was up ready to start installing the panels on Monday. He did not know exactly all of the information but said the total cost was I think £15,000.00p and that the company said he would be paid 40pence for each unit not required and sold back to the Grid. He also said that over a period of 10 years he should get a return of at least 6%. He also told me that 3 firms had come to give an estimate for the work and all of them offered deals. However my friend stated that his son decided not to accept any offers and just proceed with the fitting of the solar panels.
We both wait to see just how much energy it will produce. It will be interesting.
As for my Central Heating I was out but had a message left informing me that tomorrow the equipmentt will be delivered before 1.00pm. ready for work to begin on Wednesday. We will wait and see. More soon perhaps.

1 comment:

  1. I'm very sorry to hear about your young friend.

    I wonder how big an area of solar panels would be needed to power a home? Without a massive battery bank (inflating the cost again) it seems likely that one would still need to buy electricity at peak times - and at peak rates, I guess. Obviously the equation would depend on usage.
