Wednesday 11 May 2011

Careless drivers?

I heard on the radio this morning that in 2012 the Government are bringing in a new way to charge careless drivers. They will be immediately fined up to £100 and 3 penalty points on their licence. This reminded me of an old colleague who is no longer on this earth.
I must go back many years, I guess it would be in the very early 60s when this event occurred.
To put you in the picture, I first met Eric when I joined the railway. I guess he was about 6 years older than I was. He was women mad, and had several on the go at the same time. Eventually he got married. He married my School Teachers Daughter. I knew her well as sometimes when her school was on holiday. Incidentally she went to the High School. Well she would see her Mother in our class, that is how I got to know her.
Eric knew that I knew her and she told him about how she knew me. I guess that is one reason why we became friendly. He was still a bit of a lad with the women. However he used to love coming out with me and a couple of lads because we went out for a drink and a good old sing song.
Eventually Eric left the Railway. I used to see him on the odd occasion. By now his wife's Mother had passed away and left her only Daughter the home and money to her. Eric decided to buy a posh car. It was a Vauxhall Cresta 101 Estate. A very nice car indeed.
Eric had now gone to work at a Pet Foods factory in Melton Mowbray. From Grantham to the factory was about 14 miles. He told me all about the work. It was 3 shifts and work was continuous so although the evening time to sign on was 11.00pm. You were expected to be there 10 minutes early to be able to take over from your operative. It was a wet place and protective overalls were given so it took a few minutes to get ready.
Well one night he told me this story. I certainly believed him as he was mad in a car.
He told me that as usual, he had been with a woman and left it late to get to work. As he was leaving Grantham, a RAF. lad was hitching a lift. He screeched to a stop, opened the door and told the guy to get in as he was in a hurry and he was going to Melton Mowbray. In the young man got, Eric sped off and started to do his usual routine, gradually getting his clothes off and putting his protective overalls on. Here I must remind all that in those days, although there were speed limits of 30 or 40 MPH in built up areas there was no speed restrictions anywhere else. Not like there are now some are 50MPH all others are 60MPH except dual carriageways which are 70MPH. Well Eric was going his usual high speed, remember he did this journey very regular so knew every bend in the road.
All the way there, Eric told me that the young man just sat there and didn't say a word. When Eric got close to the factory he told the guy to get ready to get out as he was running late for work.
When he stopped, the guy got out and said this. "Thanks for the two rides".
Eric queried this and asked him what he meant.
Replying the guy said,"This is the first and last ride I will have with you".
Eric told me that he was at a loss for an answer but after thinking about what the young man had said found it funny.
Mind you, it was not the only incident he had with the car. Perhaps I will tell more about him and the car another time. More soon

1 comment:

  1. I'm sure that was more frightening than anything that RAF lad had ever experienced in the air!

    This story reminded me of a similar experience I had as a passenger long ago, which I intend to relate in a future post in my blog.
