Monday 9 May 2011

A little rain

Well, we were promised rain. On Saturday, I rang my Sister and my Brother in Law answered the phone. He told me that it was raining there, not a lot but it was raining. Here it was a little dull but soon brightened up and was once again nice and sunny.
We were promised rain, plenty of it overnight Saturday into Sunday morning. I got up soon after 5.00am to see that it was raining, very light rain but it was raining. I waited for it to get heavier, it never did. To be honest, I guess I managed to collect about 2 gallons of rainwater in my water butts. Later on Sunday, the sun came out and in late afternoon it was impossible to see there had been any rain.
As you know, I always have a bath on a Sunday. Last week I used the water for my plants, well this Sunday I decided to set my runner beans and courgettes. When I dug a hole it was completely dry so I poured a bucket full of bath water in each hole before planting out my plants. I then watered the plants in. The remainder I used on my Lilac trees that I planted in the ground about a month ago.
I took the odd photo of my greenhouse and polytunnel so perhaps tomorrow, I will transfer them to my computer and post a couple. I managed to get one cauliflower and it weighed about 4lb. beautiful and white, tastes great too. More tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Crikey! A 4lb cauliflower? That sounds like a monster!

    Your regime must be doing your plants good!
