Thursday 15 March 2012


As I mentioned it in my last blog, my best Pal called to see me. He noticed I was wearing my overalls. That is bib and brace and jacket. Supplied might I add by British Railways in around 1960. Yes they are still going strong but unfortunately I am on my last set. That is 2 overalls and 2 jackets. Anyway he said to me that when he last rung me up his wife asked if I was wearing my boiler suit. He told her that I was. She then enquired if I had mentioned it to him. All he told her was he knew would be wearing them.
This made me think hard. My late Mother wore an apron. Well some call it a pinafore but my Mother called it a pinny. She was not dressed at all unless she had her pinny on. It would only be taken off just before I took her out shopping and immediately we returned home on again would be her pinny. I used to pull her leg be saying to her that she was not dressed unless she had her pinny on.
To be honest, now I feel very much like my late other. I started to wear my overalls some 15 month ago. I found them on the top shelf of me wardrobe. They had gone a little mouldy but after I washed them they looked good. Anyway at first I would only wear them if I was going to do some work where Hawthorn trees were as they had thorns but I soon got into the habit of wearing my bib and brace bit every day. As the weather got colder I found that I was getting dressed and putting my overalls on before I had breakfast.
I know what my late Mother would have said to me. "You don't think you are going out with me dressed like that." To be honest I am so used to wearing them that I go out to get my State Pension. go to the shops and even go to my Mate's place which I will be going to tomorrow. I do not wear them if I go to the dental Surgery of the Doctors surgery. I also would not wear them to go to see my Sisters in Grantham either. To be honest though I feel so comfortable in them and I do feel a little undressed in them so I now understand how my late Mother felt when she took off her pinny.
Today, like every week day this week has been dull and cold. However a weak sun did appear around 4.00pm for an hour before the fog descended again. I hope of better things soon. It will help warm the ground up and then I will think of sowing vegetable seeds. More soon.

1 comment:

  1. Hahahaha..Heading towards our 2nd childhood perhaps?

    Actually, if they are comfy, why not? Plus, when people reach our age group a little eccentricity is expected. Whatever floats your boat! - as they say.
