Tuesday 13 March 2012

Fickle weather

It is hard to believe that on Sunday we had unbroken sunshine from sunrise to sunset. Since then it has been 100% cloud, not a sign of the sun at all and where on Sunday it was very spring like, yesterday was cool but today has been cold.
Mind you, yesterday I had a nice surprise, the phone rang around lunch time, most unusual for me but it was my best Pal ringing saying he would be round later in the afternoon.
It was great to see him, he told me that this year was 5 years since his cancer operation of the bowel and that he had been informed by the Hospital that he was due for another colonoscopy, the final one just to give him the all clear. However as he was over 75, he could opt out of this procedure as it contains a risk. They pump air into you colon, then insert a camera to inspect the colon. The risk is that as you get older, there is a greater risk of your colon splitting. My Pal decided to opt out and I fully agreed with him.
We discussed many things and as men do, sex did creep into it. I must tell you this as it is true. My Pal worked down the coalmines, I was on the Railway so both jobs could be hard work. He told me that this day, they were sitting underground having their sandwiches. One of the guys told this (old man). My best pal guessed he would be about 50. Anyway he told him that the young man sitting next to him was getting married on Saturday. The old man, head bowed just said to him. "You're getting married on Saturday then, well go and buy a big bag of dried peas and a large glass jar. When you get married, each time you get your leg over the first year, put a dried pea from out of the bag into the glass jar. At the end of the first year, then do the reverse. Each time you have your leg over, take a pea out of the glass jar and put it back into the bag. If your sex life follows my experience, you will NEVER empty the glass jar in your lifetime. I've only just got my jar a fraction over half empty." we both had a great laugh but this was a true story and he told me the old coal face workers attitude never changed at all. It was. to him a matter of fact.
This morning I had to get my blood tested as well as my B.P. This was down compared to last time but still a little high for me with my conditions so I had to go out into the waiting room again and wait to see a more senior Nurse. Eventually I was summoned and she asked me if I was satisfied and I told her I was, she readily agreed with me and told me she was happy to leave me as it was for the time being. Mind you, I did inform her that I had further tests and will be surprised if they are satisfactory. I now wait for news of my tests. More soon.

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