Monday 19 March 2012


As I mentioned it. I went to see my Mate on Friday. his Mum was not so good and she told me she felt a little less than 100%.
I try to always to cheer her up. My mate just said to me that I was ready to work. I then told him about how my Mum had always wore a pinny. (Pinafore or Apron). Upon hearing me say the word, his Mum perked up. She readily agreed that when one went to buy an apron or pinafore you would naturally ask for a pinny. It seemed to tickle her fancy, she kept on about it for ages and I then told her that my Mother was never dressed without her pinny and I guess that is where I get the same from wearing my overalls. Perhaps in the summer months I will cease wearing them every day. Time will tell.
It transpired that my mate's Mum used to wear her pinny most of the day. She told me that it was because it saved changing her clothes so often. As I have mentioned it before 50 years ago it was common policy to change your clothes once a week. Men would have perhaps a studded collar changed if they were going out anywhere special.
Perhaps most people won't realise that shirts came with detachable collars. They were fitted with a stud. thank goodness they were just about out of fashion by the time I was old enough to wear men's shirts. This would be at the age of 14 or so. Enough rubbish for today. More soon.

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