Friday 13 August 2010

Just a quickie

Well yesterday came and went, as you know I had to go to hospital. I had a friend take me there and I told him how homely they all were there. After getting to reception which meant climbing several flights of stairs, the lady there commented on the effort to get there. After she took details she told us she would show us the waiting room. I knew where it was and making our way to the waiting room I saw a nurse who has been on the ward for years, I greeted her and she remembered my name as I remembered hers. Immediately to her right was the consultants secretary who I know quite well. We passed pleasantries and I informed my friend who she was. My consultant then came out of his office and we shook hands as we nearly always do. He then made a comment about how I make light of my illness. We then proceeded to the waiting room. My friend was very impressed remarking that at the hospital he went to, you were treated like a number. I reminded him that I had been in this small endoscopy ward several times over several years so I knew most of the staff. Well we hadn't been in the waiting room long when I was taken to the admin room just to check everything, the nurse informed me that she had missed me last time. I told here she also missed Su Pollard, she knew this and was disappointed. I told her that I had quite a lng chat with her as her mother and myself were next to one another on our trolley's waiting to go into the inspection area. While her mother was in the examination room we talked, I reminded her of things we had discussed when we last met so she repeated them for the few patients who were waiting to have their inspections. I then asked her to go and talk to a couple of patients as it was a traumatic experience for those who are having the inspection for the first time. She did this with relish, when she returned I told her that one person would be as mad as anything because she had missed you. The one in question was a young woman who was still sleeping after her local anaesthetic. Soon her mum came out and it was my turn.
Nothing like this happened this year though as I was the last to go and have my internal inspection. I did not have any anaesthetic as I did not have the complete examination. It was rather painful all the same. On the way home there was some rain but not a lot. Today though was quite rainy early morning also cool. My neighbour wanted to set some plants she had in pots but was surprised that the ground was still dry. I told her that it would be like that until the autumn rains. It was then soon time for my appoinment at the local surgery with the nurse.
I then went to the diabetic clinic, she made an appointment to see a nurse on the 27th August. On Monday I have to make an appointment to see a Doctor and on September 16th I go once again to hospital to see my consultant to talk about the prognosis. I think I know what the outcome will be but we all live in hopes. I will be positive anyway. So that was yesterday and today over thank goodness. Better news next week I hope.

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