Thursday 23 January 2014


First I must apologise to a blog reader. He sent me a reply to one of my posts and unfortunately for me I didn't notice it until yesterday and it was because I hit a wrong button that I finally checked some of my recent postings. The gentleman will know who I am referring to and I humbly apologise for my ignorance.
Now back to normality.
 I was watching the early evening news on BBC, well not taking a lot of notice as I was trying to do something else. Why? I don't know as I am not capable of single tasks let alone multi tasking. Anyway it was this Woman who was talking and to ne honest I didn't understand a word she said. I know that I am going deaf and my eyesight is not good but I was sure there were no subtitles. I started to laugh thinking to myself if this is the start of my complete decline. I laughed so much that tears ran down my face. Eventually I managed to pull myself together and I could hear what was being said by all other spokespersons.
 I went to watch the 10.00pm news on BBC and one of the items was once again this Woman. I specifically listened hard to what she was talking about but once again I couldn't understand what she was saying apart from the odd word and I mean the odd word. It turned out that the woman was in fact Nick Clegg's Wife. As she is, I believe  Spanish it made me feel a lot better but I guess he is used to how she speaks.
 I have not gone completely though because yesterday my mate came and the day before there was  Peer on the Lunchtime Politics Show. When I saw his name it immediately rang a bell. My mate had told me a few years ago that this Peer who he has known for many years when he was living in Lancashire. He contacted him and the Peer asked him if he would like to travel to the House of Lords for a guided tour. Both he and his Brother had a most enjoyable day. He did tell me that he saw several Peers including Betty Boothroyd and a prominent Irish Lord. He told me that they went and had coffee and a sandwich. I can't remember if he said they had a cake too but the total cost was £1.80. That was for the three snacks. This was about 6 years ago. He said it was subsidised. For that cost very heavily subsidised.
 What I decided to do was video the clip with the Lord he knows and as it was raining heavily yesterday morning I put it on for him to see. I told him I was sure this was him. As soon as he saw it he confirmed that it was Tony, that is what he called him. I was pleased I had managed to video it for him to see. He told me he looked a little older. 6 years or so is a long time when one is getting older. He thought he would now be around 70 years of age.
 The rain did relent after 1.00p. so we managed to cut up a lot of wood. He bought a sort of electric mitre saw. Although we had about 80 pieces of wood. 5ft long and about 9" wide he managed to get them all done in about 20 minutes. A good afternoons work, as all I wanted was them to be cut into two equal lengths. More soon.

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