Thursday 30 January 2014

A telephone call

To be honest I had given the Company, who fitted my window and door, up as lost for they have messed me about so much.
 Well on Tuesday I rung the Company up and was answered immediately by a young lass. I told her what had happened and she promised me that the message would be passed on.
 Sure enough about an hour later I had a phone call from a Salesman asking me what I would be having done to my property next. I told him I would be having nothing at all until my door which had developed a fault in November last year was mended. He told me he understood and that a guy had my details and would be contacting me later that day. I wasn't disappointed when nobody rung me as it was what I had expected.
Surprise of surprises! a few minutes ago the guy contacted me and told me he would be calling on me tomorrow afternoon. We will see.
 I did have the bottles of LPG delivered yesterday as promised and now it is up to me when the fitments are done and the disconnection of the bulk tank is completed. I expect that by next week end I will contact Calor and have the gas switched over.
Today has been, once again a dreadful day but one mustn't grumble as we haven't had the flooding like lots in the Southwest have had for several weeks. Solar has been next to zero. A couple of days ago I generated 70 watts, today it was even worse just 50 watts. Still things can only get better.
 I did go to the local Garden Centre and get 4 bags of soil based compost, my mate tried to get some but was informed that it would be about 1 month before they had any in. Anyway I have set a few potatoes in tubs so hopefully they will have a head start on those that will be set in March.
Finally saw the Postman friend and gave him a packet of Savoy seeds, they cost me only 50p a packet. The postage was just £1.15 for 5 packets of seeds so well worth getting. More soon.

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