Friday 1 April 2011

Leopard changing spots?

I get here about once every 2 months a small newsletter telling me what is on and what has been happening. This one had a photo and a name that I recognised. It was in the mid 70s that this milkman used to call on us. As I had a business he would always bring the milk in a crate. He was a friendly guy and when he was collecting the weekly cash, I asked him if he would like to let us have the small change and we would give him notes. He readily agreed. Well this went on for a few weeks, then he came in one morning. He left the leather pouch which held his money, went down the street, which was a dead end and called on us on the way back. My Mother remarked how trusting he was. To be honest, I didn't even give it a thought as I am as honest as the day is long. He would never question what we said and this went on for a couple of months or more. One day, another milkman served us and I asked him where the other guy was. All he would say was that he left under a cloud. I didn't ask anything more of him. It was about 6 months later when there was a piece in the local paper. He had pleaded guilty to embezzling money from the Milk Company that he worked for. It stated that he had hidden money in one of his car tyres. I just thought no wonder he trusted us, he was helping himself to other things. Several years later, I learned that he was on the Council. Yes a Councillor. I didn't think that it was possible to become a Councillor after a conviction however he did. A few years later, after I had left the immediate vicinity he was MAYOR. Now this newsletter has a photo of him and it states that he was awarded the Community Award voted by the readers of a Newspaper. It also states that he is President. Maybe the leopard has changed his spots. Mind you, I bet nearly all have no idea of his shady past. Now to something different. I went to Grantham to see my Sisters the other day. My friend, who is mean and really money mad tells me that fuel is very expensive in Skegness. I told him that it is about 7p a litre cheaper than it is here in the country. With this in mind, I took particular notice of the prices shown on all that I could see filling stations. To be honest once I left Alford, prices were very much of a sameness until I arrived in Grantham. That was about 136p a ltr for petrol and 1.43p for diesel. In Grantham there are 2 filling stations that are very competitive, a Jet station and ASDA. Both of these were 1.31.9p a litre for petrol and 1.35.9p for diesel. These were just 2 pence less that Tesco and Morrisons in Skegness. I did inform him. I also told him that the local garage had reduced by 2p diesel. Before it was reduced the cost per gallon was more than 50p here than in Grantham. I sometimes wonder if the RPM is a help to us living in the country as there is a wide disparity with everything and at the seaside most jobs are paying only the minimum wage. I know what some might say. You can move. Well not really as houses are not moving and to find a property about the same price as I would get for this would be hard. The good thing is that in general, it is much quieter here. More soon.

1 comment:

  1. Ah well, I sympathise about the prices up to a point (coz it's your decision to live there as you say) but inevitably we notice the difference when we go on holiday - to the country!
