Tuesday 19 April 2011

Spring blossoms

Let us hope that we get no late spring frosts because as one can see, the trees are full of blossom. The tree that is in a sort of cage is the cherry. I will have to cover it up before the fruits ripen. If I don't, then I will be inundated with blackbirds and they will not be happy until they have eaten every last one.

I thought I would show you these photos just to show how much care and attention I take when it comes to protecting my fruit and vegetables.

he main culprits, are wood pigeons and pheasants. The other pest is cats, they love to scratch and make a hole where I have set my carrots or beetroot. The soil is a fine tilth so it is perfect for them.

Mind you, carrots and beetroot are not germinating yet as we have had no rain for many days and the ground is very dry. Something different tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Ha ha! We've seen what the birds and crawling things can do to decimate crops in our garden so I understand your fortifications - you've done well to camouflage the machine gun emplacements.
