Wednesday 6 April 2011

Summer day.

Fancy that, the temperature today was 21c or in old money 70f. I could not believe my eyes when I saw the first cabbage white butterfly. This must be the earliest I have ever seen one as they do not over winter but hatch out in the late spring. I must admit I did see several small tortoiseshell butterflies and the first peacock. It makes one feel a little better to see that winter is finally over and hopefully better days ahead. I certainly hope so because my cherry and plum trees are now in full blossom. So the last thing I want is a frost. Mind you, I didn't go out this morning as I decided to start my spring cleaning. Well start is about it. I managed to emulsion the bathroom and was absolutely worn out when I had finished. to be honest, after I had removed all out of the bathroom, I had a small rest because I needed it. Mind you, I will say this, it does look nice again. Tomorrow, if I feel up to it, I will paint my kitchen/diner. these are the two rooms that seem to get dirtiest first. Mind you, living on my own they don't get that dirty. It is 2 years since I last did them. Later I went into the garden, did nothing though but noticed that the first asparagus was trying to show so that in about 2 weeks I should be harvesting asparagus. I went into the greenhouse, noticed a small frog or toad, took it outside so that it can go where it wants, it will be happier in the open garden. Also noticed in the greenhouse that the grape vine is just beginning to break into leaf. My Italian friend told me not to prune until the spring, I do believe that he told me wrong because where I have pruned the vine, liquid is ooozing from the cuts. Oh well I live and learn. More soon.

1 comment:

  1. I wonder if the vine might behave differently in Italy from the way it does in your greenhouse. Just a thought!

    We have a couple of trees in blossom in our garden - but, alas, they're not fruit bearers.

    Mind you - suddenly last year we found we had a blackberry bush which must have arrived on the wind from somewhere and seeded itself. There are blackberries in our little park at the end of the road so I guess this is the good news. The bad news has definitely been the number of dandelions we all have in our gardens along here - they're rampant in the park!
