Tuesday, 6 September 2011


It is funny me talking about old times and things.
Today, I went to the local bank in the next town. There was a queue as there often is. I must admit that when I go on local journeys I am somewhat scruffy. Well that is what my late Mother would tell me.
Anyway, I was waiting in the queue. I was wearing my old railway bib and brace. All of a sudden this guy, who I guess would be in his late 40s, suddenly turned to me and said. "You know you do look smart in the bib and brace. I do wish I had one still. I haven't seen them for years. They are so versatile and I miss mine". I then told him that these were probably a lot older than he was as I was issued them when I was on the footplate on the Railway and I left the Railway in 1964. I told him that we were issued 2 sets of bib and brace and jacket each year and after the first year we managed to use them more efficiently so that over the years I managed to save about 3 sets. I do like them and they are very versatile. I only hope it bought back happy memories to the guy.
To be honest, although I have never tried to buy a bib and brace set, I am surprised that they are still not available. Saying that, I have not seen them being worn.
My best pal came to see me today. The one from Chesterfield. He, like me feel completely at home together and he told me that it was the best time of his stay. I likewise love his company. We seem to really get on and we both think the same.
When his wife came about an hour later, we got on about clothes. He told me that when we were young, Jeans were a type of overall. I told him that my Mother would never allow us to wear Jeans as they were considered inferior clothes. He readily agreed but told me that he once bought a pair of Jeans just to wear at the local football. He told me that they were stiff material and his legs were frozen. The Jeans were never worn again.
Perhaps I will reminisce again soon.
By the way, as usual we have had lots of rain again, mind you my runner beans are giving me lots to give away. More soon.

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