Friday 2 September 2011

No Internet

I was surprised yesterday. When I tried to log on I found it impossible to get anything at all. Eventually I rung my ISP and asked them if there was something wrong. I was answered in the affirmative. Apparently there was some fault and quite a lot had no Internet connection at all. I told him that he was not to blame but told him he would get many irate customers. I was correct.
I did not bother to try late at night. The guy on the phone told me he thought that the repair would, hopefully be completed so that all should be well by late evening. As you can see all is back to normal. However I will be looking to change ISP because there are cheaper deals about. My contract runs out in about 2 weeks. I will look to see what is on offer.
On Wednesday I asked my neighbour if she wished to have a cucumber. She told me she would love one but also asked if I could do a favour. I of course said yes. She asked me if I would let the chickens out again, this time for a week in mid September. She told me her parents would shut them up at night. She also asked me if I could, feed them as she was having the feed bought in at night and put in the garage. She would;d give me the garage key. I told her that it would be fine.
I really do not mind at all. In fact I quite enjoy letting the chickens out, all chickens seem to be friendly and love human contact. So I will look forward to a week of chicken company.
Today, I was spraying a little weed killer near my leylandi hedge. I noticed a few bits on the floor. I looked up and noticed that the guy next door had trimmed the top of my hedge. I was pleased and when I saw him I thanked him. He told me that he had cut the tree down and as he was trimming the side decided to trim my top. That tree was a dreadful tree, seemed to grow out of all proportion and had no good attributes at all.
I must admit, I hadn't noticed that he had cut the tree down. Mind you, I had not noticed the hedge had been trimmed. I am not observant at all. I guess I live in a little dream world.
Finally, the weather these last couple of days have been a lot better and today has been quite warm. Typical I suppose, the holidays are about over. More soon, Internet allowing.


  1. We are kindred spirits of a sort. I am quite observant about things I am interested in, but as for the rest of the World - not at all so.

    It often shocks me to finally notice that something has changed and then to be told that the change occurred weeks or months ago.

    I seldom look up (which I suppose is much better than seldom looking down heehee...) and have passed by buildings or other structures sometimes for years and then suddenly be amazed to see a feature I had been totally unaware of because I just don't look.

  2. I just had to add this comment. The word verification for my above comment was so perfectly apropos to the subject of the comment.

    It was: NONSUPSI And I was explaining how I seldom see what's up! Non..'sup..see! Heehee...
