Monday 9 July 2012


It was the Government stating that with the reduction of Armed Forces being proposed bought to mimd my National Service.
 As you know I was on the Railway, a Reserved Occupation. This meant that in times of War, people who were working in a Reserved Occupation was not allowed to leave and join the Armed Forces. As the Railways were owned by The Government, they made a consession and so we on the Railway had to do 2 years National Service. By the way, I had been in the Army less than a year when France and Great Britain declared war on Egypt, after Nasser Nationalised the Suez Canal. This meant that nobody else went to do their National Service from the Railway, those working on  the footplate anyway. Firemen that means.Anyway, when we had done our 2 years, we were put on as AER. Army Emergency reserve for a total of 3.1/2 years. I do believe that those who were called up and did not work on any Reserved Occupations, had the opportunity of going into the Services for 14 days each year as Territorials. By the way, the odd guy on the footplate did volunteer for an annual trip to the Territorials. I said 14 days but it might have been 15 days each year. Their Employer could not refuse them this if they wished to join after their National Service.
 Another piece of probably useless information.
 On my journies to and from Grantham, there is a sort of Cairn, well not that really but a sort of concrete block standing about 3ft, high and gradually tapering a little. This is a reference point, useful to people who read maps. It is the highest point for several miles. This one in particular is situated on the A16 going from Boston to Grimsby. It is situated at the top of Dalby Hill between Partney and Ulceby Cross. It is situated on the right hand side going North.
 Another bit of useless information is that the highest point on British Raliways East Coast Main Line is at the summit of Stoke Tunnel. It is the highest point for around 200 miles. This is in a supposedly Rural Lincolnshire. Hard to believe I know. More soon.

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