Monday 26 July 2010

Another new week

These are just a few potatoes called Arran Pilot the stumps are where some broad beans were grown and sometimes if the weather is kind, they will shoot from the base and a small crop can be gathered in late September or early October. Not a chance this year. Anway the small potatoes are being eaten and the larger ones will be left out to set and the skins firm up, then in the Autumn I will put them in my salad box in the fridge for seed potatoes next year.

These were dug up on Sarurday morning, the variety is Boltardy, perhaps not the best picture ever but gives some idea as to what I grow.

These carrots were dug up yesterday. I normally have a bath once a week but shower other days. Anyway the water was used to soak the carrots as I did try to pick a few the other day and they just snapped off. I must say they taste beautiful. The variety is Early Nantes.

Well the weekend has come and gone without rain, but not unbroken sunshine so it was not quite as hot. Today the weatherman stated that tomorrow we will get rain, this was tempered later with the warning that it may rain as they are unsure as to where exactly the rain will fall. I will of course keep all interested with the results, I do believe though it will almost come too late for this season.

This morning I went to see if any runner beans were ready, to my horror I noticed one runner bean was covered withy black fly. I have never had anything like that happen before. I must admit though that this summer has been the most insect and bug prone I have ever had. This, after the coldest and longest winter for many years. besides black fly there has been an infestation of white fly, these were almost killed off in winters gone by with the harsh weather, not so now. Greenfly has also been very bad, mind you there has been lots of butterflies about, although the cabbage white are a menace, the others look so nice.
I will post photos of some vegetables, also an update on my grapes, they are ripening well but to be honest, not quite sweet enough yet. My peas that I set in the polytunnel a week ago are just showing through, well some of them anyway. It just goes to show what protection can do to help.
I will not show the roses as they have black spot and most of the leaves have dropped off. To be honest, I am not too keen on roses because of the diseases they get. My friend's wife has bought me 2 types of rose, one is called Happy Times, I can't remember what the other one is called I have just been out to see and it is called Magic Pink, to be honest it looks very poor. I don't look after them really. I should do though. My friend's daughter has a herb garden and has been on Gardeners World when the late Geoff Hamilton was alive. Anyway she has bred a new type of Lavender and last autumn I was lucky enough to be given one. It is called Hardstoft Pink and this year it has survived the winter, I did put it in the polytunnel as his daughter did not know if it would survive outdoors in the winter. I took a cutting and I will leave one out this winter to see if it will live through a winter probably be a mild one this winter though. Now to photos. Hopefully will write more tomorrow.
P. S. I think I have found out how to put comments after my pictures. I try to persevere. it is rewarding when I find out something that helps.

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