Tuesday 20 July 2010

Something different

Today I had my LPG boiler serviced. I have it done each year. Chris the engineer came as usual. I told him that I had filled in a survey from Energy Saving Trust but was so disappointed at their reply. I informed him that I had cavity wall insulation, loft insulation to the maximum, double glazing, energy saving lamps in each room a thermostat on my hot water tank, also insulation on it but not to the thickness I would like as it is in a confined space. Had I nothing at all my rating would have been G which is the worst. The ratings go from A which is most efficient to G. I was given a rating of F. If I had a new boiler fitted and thicker insulation on my hot water tank, then I would move up to the princely rate of E. He told me this. Energy Saving Trust is not a government run scheme but a private run scheme. It is however backed by the Government He informed me that if I wished, he could fit a new boiler in for £2000. however if I went to them they would offer me a new boiler for about £3700 but there would be a grant of about £2000 with a total of £1700 to pay. He then informed me that they would then charge the government about £5000. He told me once again that it was not worth my while as I would never get my money back. I then informed him that my friend went to a seminar. I asked him to find out about wind power, he was more interested in solar heating. He told me that wind power was on hold as there was not a suitable sort of windpower that was good enough to generate more than about 500watts maximum. He then went to see about solar power. He was informed that the total cost was about £2800. He then asked how long it would be to get your money back. About 20 years was the reply. How long are the tubes guaranteed for he asked. 10 years came the answer. He thanked them. We were both disillusioned. Anyway, Chris on hearing this confirmed all. He had been on a course and the maximum guarantee was 11 years, some were as small as 7 years. He too was not impressed.
The moral of this is beware as this seems to be more of a way of the people involved in selling the products are interested in making profits and not telling you all the facts. Chris also told me that more carbon footprints are being used in producing the panels than what would be saved on the use of them. He would not say this is 100% true but thought it was so.
Oh well, this is my little gripe, I very rarely digress from my daily news. Tomorrow I hope to get back to my usual routine.
By the way, I am going to do a rain dance tonight to see if I can make it rain a substantial amount. Back to normal tomorrow, I hope.

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