Monday 12 July 2010


Today has been a cooler day thank goodness. On Friday the temperature reached 30c. This is most unusual for a seaside place, on Saturday it was 28+c. Sunday it was very breezy but the wind was a hot one and the temperature reached 27c. However today it has been around 17c. As you will see from the photos, these were taken on Saturday morning before the heat of the day, I have plenty of cherries. Unfortunately the photo is not good they look marked. I can assure you they are not, I have put an English 10p piece and a 1 Euro coin to give some idea of the size. It always aggravates me when you get a photo or a film is shown of a bird, insect animal or flower and you have no idea as to how big it is. A Kingfisher is a perfect example. The majority of the general public have never seen or will ever see a Kingfisher but have no idea as to the size of it.

Also I have taken a photo of my runner beans, there are some on and I now have enough for a meal. The frost has made about 2 weeks difference with the frost damaging the tops on all bar one, it is this one that is producing beans.

Now to the greenhouse, I am sure that it has been too hot for the tomatoes to germinate as it has been too hot for them to set. As to the grapes, I have noticed that the odd grape is beginning to ripen. I knew I should have thinned them out, but my Italian friend insisted that I do nothing at all. I now know that this year, most will be around the size of a blackcurrant. I have tried one and although they are small, they are tasty and will be sweet when they are ripe.

I hope that with the cooler weather my ankle and foot will become more normal with the swelling receding.

The forecast today was for rain,up to now, we have not had enough to wet the ground completely but right now, it is raining as hard as it has done today so I am keeping my fingers crossed. I will keep all updated.

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