Monday 15 August 2011


I could not believe it, but this afternoon on one of my many journeys to try to stop the wasps, I heard an old fashioned noise. It reminded me of when I was young. I looked up in the sky and after a little while, I couldn't believe my eyes. A Bi plane, yes it was so nice to see such a slow moving single propeller plane. Going at such a leisurely pace and the sound immediately took me back to the tender years some 60 years ago. What a delight it was. It would have been no good me trying to photograph the plane as I would never have found it to take a snap shot of it.
Yesterday I went to my late eating apples. To my horror, I found that at least 15% of these apples had been eaten. I wondered if it was just me but my postman friend called to ask if he could park his car on my driveway as he was going to the party of the 60 year old man. I told him that there was no problem at all. I then mentioned that my plums had been attacked by the wasps. He then told me that he was emptying his jars that he had for catching the wasps at least twice a day.
The new neighbours went to the party and told me that it was O.K. I mentioned to them that there were lots of wasps around. Replying his wife told me that both of them had been stung. I have managed to miss the wasp stings so far. I should think that in my next blog, I will report that I have been stung. More soon.

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