Thursday 4 August 2011

Medication arrived

On Tuesday I posted my repeat prescription in the local Medical Centre fully expecting them to be delivered yesterday. No such luck. It is annoying because it meant that I stayed in all day yesterday.
This morning I went down to my local dispensary to see if they had sent my prescription off, they assured me that this was so.
Well I had to go out on an errand and did not get back until some time after 11.15am. No sooner had I arrived the young man who delivers my medication arrived too. He was pleased to see me. He wanted to know what had happened in the preceding 2 months. I told him that my medication had changed and different tablet was prescribed. I told the Nurse in dispensary that I had just ordered a repeat prescription. She told me that she would adjust it and that if I called the next day I would have the new medication together with all of the others. I said that was fine.
The next month I put my repeat in and waited for the delivery. In their wisdom the staff at the local dispensary thought I would pick up my prescriptions from now on. I requested them to make sure that they would be delivered.
Well yesterday no delivery so off I went to check the local dispensary to make sure that my request was done. They informed me that this was so.
The delivery lad was full of apology saying that his Senior delivery man was on holiday and was told that there was no more to deliver on Wednesday. Then late Wednesday he was told there were another 50 to be delivered. He told me that he didn't notice that one was mine otherwise he would have left most to come out to deliver to me.
He told me that he had made enquiries as to what had happened to me, he asked his supervisor, nobody knew. he was pleased to see me again.
Mind you, it has not been all sweetness and light for him. The last time he came to see me, he told me that he hoped to be back in his home by the following month. He is not back in his own home yet. His wife is 7 months pregnant so I hope that he manages to get moved in soon. They are living with her parents. Need I say more.
Well we had a few minutes talk and I told him that I had some goodies for him and his wife. I gave him, runner beans, a cabbage, some tomatoes a couple of apples and a bunch of grapes. I told him they were not quite ready but he had a taste and said they were nice so he has the first bunch of grapes this year. I think within a couple of weeks there will be many more ready. More soon.

1 comment:

  1. Ha ha! It sounds as though you could almost open a market garden stall and get yourself a little bit of cash back for all your hard work.

    Still - I guess it does no harm to the standard of service if you spread a little fruit and veg around your delivery people and suppliers!

    I wonder if your doctor would be even better if s/he got some?!
