Thursday 25 August 2011

Dear oh dear

I just can't believe it but my neighbour, this afternoon called me and gave me some print outs of the supposed Hammerrite paint.
It turns out to bea Hammerite Metalmaster Gun.
What he said next surprised me. First he gave me the sheets and immediately I noticed that it was a gun. He confirmed that it was and told me that you had to buy a cartridge. Now comes the interesting part. He told me that you could not buy the cartridges as they no longer produced them. He did tell me that he had printed some customer reviews.
They certainly were of great value to me.
First guy wrote of the difficulties getting the thing to work. He sent the first one back only to find the replacement was almost as bad. His comments were Useless.
The second wrote something like,
The concept of electrostatically charged paint sounded good in practice it was a total and abject failure. DON'T BUY THIS.
No wonder they discontinued the product
This guys final comment was.
"If you want a better job offence painting done, get a bunch of blindfolded chimpanzees drunk,then get them to dip their faeces in paint before throwing it vaguely across the road.
So that is the last I will look for Hammerite special paint.
I will stick to the normal brush type.
I haven't told my mate yet. I expect him to tell me it was what he expected. More soon.

1 comment:

  1. And even if you do go for those guns and the like - have you tried to clean them afterwards?

    OK - but what if your best friend phones you and you let the paint dry in one . . .

    I'll carry on using brushes whatever!
