Monday 8 August 2011

Stock Market

Before I get on to the financial state of the world. I had a comment from M.
I must say it is nice to get comments. He asked, or suggested that perhaps I could give veg or fruit to the Doctor. He also suggested, tongue in cheek, I could sell spare veg.
I can not remember if I mentioned it but each year, I give a Nurse some tomato plants that I grow. Well this year they I gave them to the receptionist to give to the Nurse. Unfortunately she went off duty. The Lady Doctor who is the senior partner saw them, asked the replacement receptionist and asked whose they were. As the receptionist didn't know, she took them.
Now over the years I have taken asparagus to my Consultant. He certainly appreciated them. This year though they were early and as I was not there until the end of June he didn't get any.
Now to the state of the financial climate. I am not bothered as to how my shares are doing as I have no intention of selling them but it does affect everybody. The main cause of worry is for the pension plans as they all have a large portfolio in Stocks and Shares. Therefore as the value of shares has gone down, the size of their pot has also diminished.
To me, I personally think we are in for a protracted slowdown and for several years a reduction in take home pay of workers. This together with the general increase of everyday expenses. Times will be a little tough.
It is sad that the younger generation has never had to economise so will be hit hardest. I was talking to the neighbour and we both agreed that almost everyone of the younger generastion would laugh if you asked them if they saved buttons off shirts and other garments, saved string and if you get any brown paper this was saved also.
Mind you, this is not why I grow my own vegetables although I obviously save a lot of money growing my own. More soon.

1 comment:

  1. But as a country at least we now recycle things on a national scale.

    And there are far more charity shops than there have ever been - a useful source of cheap clothing and other bits, of course.

    Also I guess clothes and shoes are hugely cheaper than they were back then - our clothes used to come from India and we charged ourselves a lot for them (!) - these days they come from the far east and cost very little indeed - to our eternal shame.

    Those are just a couple of the reasons why people won't have the same imperative to 'make do and mend' - and nor will any of us!
